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Injured or Hurt as a Result of an Accident: What to do Next

Having an accident at work can be far more serious than you think. Instead of putting you out of commission for a few weeks or a month, your injury could cause long-term damage that will ultimately affect your ability to earn a living.

When you are injured at work, there are certain steps you must take immediately afterwards, for two reasons. Firstly, it’s important that others learn from your injury, in the hope of preventing the same accident. Secondly, it’s important that you record the details of the accident so that you have evidence for your personal injury solicitors, should you require legal assistance.

The first steps to take

The first thing you should do after the incident is to report it to the health and safety officer, if your company has one. If not, report it to one of your superiors. After administering immediate medical help if necessary, they will then report the accident in their logbook.

If the accident isn’t serious and you don’t require immediate medical attention, you should make efforts to record as much evidence of the accident as you can. Aside from the official recording of the accident, you’ll want as much evidence as possible in order to build an accurate account of what happened.

You should also get eyewitness statements, if available, from any colleagues who were present at the time. The more people you have who have a good idea of what happened, the better your chances are for a successful compensation claim.

Considering legal action

If you are confident that you deserve compensation for the injuries your workplace has caused you – as long as the injury wasn’t your fault and you have evidence to prove it – the next step you should take is to consider legal action.

It’s necessary to undergo a thorough medical assessment before you determine whether or not it’s worth pursuing a compensation claim. You have to figure out how badly out of pocket you’re going to be because of your injury and how long it’s going to take you to fully recover and be able to return to work.

The benefit of having professional help

Dealing with your claim by yourself will be difficult, as you will most likely be dealing with your employer’s insurance company. It’s always best to go with professional help to go about getting the money you deserve.

By hiring solicitors to handle your case, you’ll be able to focus on treating and rehabilitating yourself, so that you can get back to work as fast as possible.

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