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Alone? Worried? Help is at hand

‘An Englishman’s home is his castle’ the saying goes. It is something of pride that no one should violate. Unfortunately, safety is a problem for everyone in the modern day, but it is essential that you keep things in perspective. It is something that television crime programmes stress at the end of each broadcast. Programmes highlight bad news, and the media seems to report every problem. However, the chances of you suffering from such problems at home remain very slight.

That does not mean that you should not take simple precautions, for both yourself and your property. There are many companies that specialise in safety, but in the instance of a specific age group it is probably better choose one with a close affinity to the problems specifically related to age. There is a greater understanding of the range of issues.

Home alone – not a problem with personal panic alarms. Image: InSapphoWeTrust

A piece of fiction

There was a very famous comedy movie years ago, “Home Alone”, about a boy that was left alone at home by mistake while the family went off on their Christmas holidays. It was pure fiction, however, if the boy had had one of the personal panic alarms available on the market today, he would have had no problem. There again there would have been no story.

Loneliness can be a problem at any age; for people as they get older it is possibly worse because it is sometimes not so easy to maintain independence. In the case of our hero he was ‘alone’ as opposed to ‘lonely.’ There is a difference.

The equipment and installation

These very light and convenient alarms send alerts through a telephone line to an emergency response centre which will organise help. They can be worn on the wrist or around the neck. If you press the button while you are in your home or garden, the unit by the telephone will activate and connect you to a 24 hour response centre that can assess your call and summon the help needed.

Installation is easy and help is always available if you need it. You simply have to name key holders who can provide access to your property if necessary. They should live fairly close. You may want one of the family to be a key holder and that is absolutely natural. A friendly neighbour is the closest to you and an ideal choice. It is much quicker to gain entry to your home the closer a key holder is to your front door.

You should check the alarm monthly by making a test call. Making a test call will check  that the system is functioning correctly or whether there is any maintenance needed. 

The service is 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You are getting something that gives you peace of mind. You may never have to use it, however, it does make common sense to have it available if the need ever arises, so perhaps you should make contact today and ask for more details.

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