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Signs of a Quality Nursing Home: Tips from Lawyers Who Know the Red Flags

Choosing the right nursing home for your loved one is one of the most important, and often one of the most challenging, decisions you'll ever need to make. Luckily, there are certain things to look for that can help you separate the good care facilities from the bad and ultimately make the right choice to protect your loved one. As you research and tour nursing homes, consider whether each facility meets the following guidelines.

Proactive Safety Culture

It goes without saying that good nursing homes invest in resident safety, but truly great nursing homes go beyond the basic requirements. Safety should be woven into the nursing home's culture, with robust training and procedures for monitoring, assessing, and assisting residents. These efforts should ideally be aided with the use of technology tools.

Modern care facilities can make use of predictive analytics software to identify high-risk residents, allowing staff to take targeted measures to protect their health. There are even wearable and in-room devices that can help staff monitor residents' locations and detect potential falls before they happen.

Ask facilities for specific details about how they work to prevent incidents like falls and bedsores, which account for some of the most common sources of lawsuits in nursing homes, and whether they use any of the above tools—or if they plan to implement them in the future.

Low Staff Turnover

One of the most important considerations when choosing a nursing home is whether it is adequately staffed. Nursing homes are known to have high rates of turnover, with some reports estimating that almost 54% of employees leave their roles within a year.

High turnover can lead to overworked staff who are more likely to make errors or are spread too thin to provide adequate care to residents, leading to neglect. In addition, facilities may employ temporary staff to fill the gaps, who are unfamiliar with residents' unique needs and may even lack the necessary skills to provide quality care.

Uncovering information about turnover can be tough, as nursing homes may try to dodge questions related to their staffing levels. However, you may be able to find this information by searching for the facility using's care provider comparison tool.

Transparent Communication

Another crucial consideration is communication. Nursing homes that keep families out of the loop should be avoided at all costs. If possible, search for a nursing home that has a family council. Family councils offer family members of residents the chance to convene, plan activities for their loved ones, and discuss issues regarding care.

In New York, nursing homes are legally required to listen and act on the concerns or recommendations of the family council, making these an incredibly powerful tool for protecting residents.

What to Do If You Suspect Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect

Following the above guidelines can help you ensure quality care for your loved one, but remember that abuse and neglect can happen even in the best nursing homes. If your loved one has suffered from a fracture, bedsore, or sexual exploitation in a New York nursing home, don't hesitate to act—contact Dalli & Marino. Our team of experienced attorneys specializes in nursing home abuse cases and can help you navigate the legal process, ensuring that your loved one's rights are protected and that justice is served.

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