Signs of Elder Abuse and Neglect in Nursing Homes
Image by Vlad Sargu on Unsplash
It can be heartbreaking to take your elderly parents or loved ones to a nursing home only to find out later that they have been abused or neglected. NCEA reports that over one million Americans above the age of 65 are abused by their caregivers. If your loved one has been abused or neglected in a nursing home, it is up to you to put an end to it. The victim may be afraid or weak to defend themselves or report the abuser.
Nursing home abuse can take many forms, including physical abuse, caregiver neglect, emotional abuse, financial exploitation, and sexual abuse. Discussed below are the types of nursing home abuse and their signs.
Physical abuse
Physical abuse in nursing homes or assisted living facilities can include slapping, physical restraints with chains or ropes, severe beatings, and shoving. It also includes any kind of physical punishment and inappropriate use of medication. Regardless of whether a caregiver’s intention is to help the elderly, it is considered abuse if they use enough force to cause unnecessary injury or pain. Here are the signs of physical abuse in nursing homes:
- Fear or anxiety
- Black eyes, bruises, or rope marks
- Broken bones or skull and bone fractures
- Dislocation, sprains, or internal injuries
- Sudden change of behavior by the victim
- Open wounds, burns, or cuts
- Broken eyeglasses
- Caregiver refusing to leave you alone with the victim
If you notice your loved one has been physically abused, you should report it immediately. Here’s how to report a nursing home.
Emotional abuse
Emotional abuse is probably the most common type of elder abuse in nursing homes. While it’s non-physical, it can frighten and stress seniors living in nursing homes resulting in severe mental health issues. Emotional abuse involves any kind of threatening or coercive behavior that creates a power differential between seniors and their caregivers. Psychological abuse in nursing homes includes yelling, insulting, making threats, making fun of an older adult’s disability, and forced isolation. Here are a few signs of emotional abuse:
- Behavioral changes: Psychological abuse may cause the victim to withdraw from social activities. Older adults suffering from psychological abuse tend to avoid social activities due to low self-esteem and stress. They may also develop unusual behaviors such as sucking their thumb and rocking behaviors
- Witnessing belittling, threatening, or controlling behavior by the caregiver
- Depression, anxiety, and fear
- Sudden change in personality traits, such as apologizing excessively
- Being withdrawn. non-responsive and non-communicative
Sexual abuse
Seniors living in nursing homes can face sexual abuse from either caregivers or other residents. Most of the time, older adults in senior living facilities are highly dependent on caregivers. They may be immobile or chronically ill, which makes them an easy target for sex predators. Here are common signs of sexual abuse in nursing homes:
- Abrasions or bruises around the genitals or breasts
- Unexplained sexually transmitted infections
- Severe depression and anxiety
- Sudden lack of communication
- Blood stains on sheets or underwear
- Unexplained anal or vaginal bleeding
Financial exploitation
Financial abuse in nursing homes includes forging checks, taking a resident’s retirement or social security benefits, and using a resident’s credit cards without permission. Here are signs of financial abuse:
- Unexplained withdrawals or transfers
- Forged documents or bank checks
- Sudden change in banking practices
- Unexplained spending
- Donations to unregistered causes of unknown charities
Caregiver neglect
Caregiver neglect is another common type of nursing home abuse. It is the failure to meet the emotional, physical, and social needs of a senior living in a nursing home. Caregiver neglect includes failure to provide medication, food, water, clothing, assistance with hygiene, and other daily living activities. Common signs of caregiver neglect include:
- Poor personal hygiene
- Weight loss and dehydration
- Untreated bed sores
- Unsanitary or unsafe living conditions
- Missed medications
If there are signs that your loved one in a nursing home has suffered abuse or neglect, it’s advisable to talk to a lawyer. A nursing home abuse attorney will be able to investigate these claims and ensure your loved one is protected or compensated for any loss, injury, or damage suffered.
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