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Ways to Improve the Quality of Life for Seniors With Mesothelioma

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Mesothelioma prognosis often describes the expected progression over time. While cancer generally has terrible prognosis outcomes, new treatment options have improved survival rates. Typically, the cancer takes many years to develop, so it may be undetectable until it becomes life-threatening. However, you can take a few measures to improve the expected outcome.

1. Palliative Care

Palliative care is a non-invasive treatment that focuses on optimum quality of life. Some of the best ways to enhance the quality of life for seniors with mesothelioma are alleviating pain, mitigating physical and mental stress, and dispelling the fear of death. Ideally, palliative care can extend seniors' overall life expectancy.

Specialists often recommend a holistic approach that covers medical, psychological, and spiritual needs for effective treatment. Palliative care shares some features with certain alternative treatments. This approach may incorporate non-invasive surgery, mild chemotherapy and radiation, and pain relief drugs.

While most people associate palliative care with late-stage cancer, it can help during early-stage. Patients can visit for inquiries about top treatment options and financial assistance. 

2. Nutrition 

Proper diet and nutrition are essential for patients. An optimal diet enhances the quality of life and helps the body prepare for treatment. Most importantly, eating certain foods can help mitigate treatment side effects and support recovery.

While most anti-cancer foods don’t directly impact mesothelioma, doctors recommend a specific diet to support the treatment. Some foods can help patients on treatment maintain a healthy weight. As such, you should consult your nutritionist for recommendations on the best diet. For instance, plant-based foods are nutrient-rich and low in sugar. Veggies like kale contain sulforaphane which kills cancerous cells.

Vitamins and supplements can also strengthen and boost your immune system and should be taken as you prepare for treatment. Calcium ascorbate and vitamins can stimulate the immune system to prevent infections. However, talk to your doctor before taking any supplements since some ingredients may interact with the main treatment plan.

3. Regular Exercise

Seniors with mesothelioma can incorporate light exercise into their routine. Some of the common symptoms of cancer, including weakness, diminished energy levels, and weight loss, can be mitigated by adopting low-intensity activities.

Typically, exercise has a positive impact on cancer patients since it lowers stress, fatigue, pain, and blood pressure, hence boosting prognosis. It ensures enough muscle movements to prevent muscle wasting and facilitates optimum blood flow.

In addition, fitness can build self-confidence and improve independence. Outdoor workouts help manage depression and anxiety because they involve interaction with nature. However, some exercises may be unsuitable, especially if you have mobility issues. As such, speak with your physician and explore safe and practical options.

4. Alternative Treatment Options

Mesothelioma patients can leverage alternative treatment options to enhance their quality of life. While some techniques are unconventional and inadmissible in formal treatments, evidence shows positive outcomes.

Alternative treatments don’t eliminate the cancer or trigger remissions, but help manage anxiety and other complex emotions that accompany cancer diagnosis. You can incorporate a few therapies to complement the treatment of pain. For instance, acupuncture can be used to alleviate pain commonly experienced after treatment sessions. 

Cancerous cells also can’t survive in aerobic conditions. As such, ozone therapy can be used to create a healthier environment. This therapy can destroy bacteria and germs, preventing infections. The procedure involves removing deoxygenated blood and reintroducing ozone-treated blood.


Mesothelioma is among the most aggressive cancers. The prognosis depends on early or late discovery and overall health before diagnosis. Since most seniors have age-related health conditions, adding other treatment solutions can help improve the quality of life for seniors with mesothelioma.

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