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Elder Care Guide (Page 18)

9 Effective Strategies for Alzheimer's Disease Prevention

With the American population living longer and healthier lives due to advancements in health care, more and more people are living to an age where they develop the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease. Because Alzheimer’s disease can have such devastating consequences, there’s a lot of interest in how to prevent this chronic, progressive disease. Recent research shows there are steps you can take to... ❯❯❯

4 Things You Should Know About Elder Law

4 Things You Should Know About Elder LawGetting old is inevitable. Unfortunately, when you age, it doesn’t mean you’re exempted from any financial or legal issues. This is one of the reasons why planning for your senior life is crucial for your protection and that of your family. Typically, you might need to make some care-, financial-, and estate-related decisions to make sure everything runs smoothly as you age. These decisions have... ❯❯❯

Reasons why your kid is getting continuously sick

From a general perspective, no child is really like the other. From the way they develop in the mother’s womb, to birth, growth, and development, all children generally have significant differences. After all, they all develop into different individuals.  The health of kids is also the same. Even those born of the same mother and growing in the same environment may register a very different... ❯❯❯

How to Look Young Without Makeup

How to Look Young Without MakeupWe all dream about a long, fulfilling life. But how many of us are working toward this dream? Whether you think your aging would naturally slow down, perhaps you are mistaken. Your diet, other environmental influences, and the amount of attention you pay to it exacerbate aging – stuff you can monitor. And the best way to gracefully have healthier-looking skin and age is by taking care of your... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Managing Incontinence

5 Tips for Managing IncontinenceIncontinence pertains to the accidental or involuntary expulsion of urine, wind, or feces from your body. It’s a common problem for people in their older years, where they no longer have full control over their bladders or sphincter muscles. Nonetheless, some younger adults also have this issue. Fortunately, there are several best incontinence products in the market today to help you alleviate... ❯❯❯

What Happens if Someone Falls in a Nursing Home?

What Happens if Someone Falls in a Nursing Home?The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that one out of four adults age 65 or older falls each year. Twenty percent of those falls result in serious injury. Falling is a danger for seniors, whether they are living at home or in a long term care facility. When a senior is under the care of a nursing home, however, their safety becomes the responsibility of that facility. Senior Health... ❯❯❯

How Safe Are Nursing Homes?

How Safe Are Nursing Homes?If you’ve ever searched for nursing homes online, chances are you came across countless horror stories of nursing home abuse in the news. When family members admit their aging loved ones into these facilities, they do so with the best intentions. They may assume their aging relative will receive the best possible care. Sadly, this is often not the case. Eldercare facilities are notorious for... ❯❯❯

5 Warning signs to look out for when choosing a nursing home

5 Warning signs to look out for when choosing a nursing homeWhen you are searching for a nursing home for your family member, it is incumbent upon you to conduct due diligence on the home to ascertain its suitability for the care of your loved one. While desk research is part of your diligence, you should also visit the home and look for warning signs that may give you an indication as to its suitability.    Here are 5 warning signs that you can look out... ❯❯❯

Navigating Estate Planning

Congratulations! You are nearing retirement after a long and productive life. This is an exciting time you have been looking forward to for a while now. You enjoy your retirement party and get ready for the next stage of your life. Now you can simply sit back and enjoy yourself. Right? Not so fast. If you want to be able to enjoy your retirement, not be financially stressed, and know you will be... ❯❯❯

Signs That You Need To Hire A Caregiver For Everyday Support

Signs That You Need To Hire A Caregiver For Everyday SupportThere’s a misconception that older people should only hire caregivers when they are already bedridden and can’t complete their everyday routines at all. However, professional caregivers are valuable additions to your household for providing assistance whether physical, mental, or emotional support. Hiring a caregiver is ideal if your children live far away from you. A caregiver can assist you... ❯❯❯

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