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Elder Care Guide (Page 18)

What Happens if Someone Falls in a Nursing Home?

What Happens if Someone Falls in a Nursing Home?The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that one out of four adults age 65 or older falls each year. Twenty percent of those falls result in serious injury. Falling is a danger for seniors, whether they are living at home or in a long term care facility. When a senior is under the care of a nursing home, however, their safety becomes the responsibility of that facility. Senior Health... ❯❯❯

How Safe Are Nursing Homes?

How Safe Are Nursing Homes?If you’ve ever searched for nursing homes online, chances are you came across countless horror stories of nursing home abuse in the news. When family members admit their aging loved ones into these facilities, they do so with the best intentions. They may assume their aging relative will receive the best possible care. Sadly, this is often not the case. Eldercare facilities are notorious for... ❯❯❯

5 Warning signs to look out for when choosing a nursing home

5 Warning signs to look out for when choosing a nursing homeWhen you are searching for a nursing home for your family member, it is incumbent upon you to conduct due diligence on the home to ascertain its suitability for the care of your loved one. While desk research is part of your diligence, you should also visit the home and look for warning signs that may give you an indication as to its suitability.    Here are 5 warning signs that you can look out... ❯❯❯

Navigating Estate Planning

Congratulations! You are nearing retirement after a long and productive life. This is an exciting time you have been looking forward to for a while now. You enjoy your retirement party and get ready for the next stage of your life. Now you can simply sit back and enjoy yourself. Right? Not so fast. If you want to be able to enjoy your retirement, not be financially stressed, and know you will be... ❯❯❯

Signs That You Need To Hire A Caregiver For Everyday Support

Signs That You Need To Hire A Caregiver For Everyday SupportThere’s a misconception that older people should only hire caregivers when they are already bedridden and can’t complete their everyday routines at all. However, professional caregivers are valuable additions to your household for providing assistance whether physical, mental, or emotional support. Hiring a caregiver is ideal if your children live far away from you. A caregiver can assist you... ❯❯❯

Buying A Walk-In Tub? Read This Before You Do

Buying A Walk-In Tub? Read This Before You DoWalk-in tubs are going to solve all your bathing problems if you believe all you hear from your local salesman. However, they are certainly not for everyone. Before you spend a fortune, here are four problems with walk-in tubs that you might experience. Problems with Walk-in Tubs You Have To Walk In If you can walk and are steady on your feet, then you might benefit from a walk-in bath.... ❯❯❯

What Are The Requirements For Qualifying For Veterans Benefits?

Every law pertaining to veterans compensation benefits that has been passed by congress comes with specific eligibility criteria for a given benefit or set of benefits. In most cases, to receive benefits, simply being a veteran does not suffice. To receive your veterans benefits, you’ll need to prove that you qualify. According to the Veterans Benefits Administration, qualifying for benefits or... ❯❯❯

How Older Adults Can Manage Mental Health

Depression, anxiety, and substance abuse are not picky about which age groups they target. Older adults past the age of 60 can experience these struggles just as much as those who are younger than them. Older adults struggling may need additional guidance, however, on how they can better manage their mental health. Find a Treatment Center You may not be able to manage your mental health alone,... ❯❯❯

Invest in the Healthcare Sector: No Risk with Policies

Invest in the Healthcare Sector: No Risk with PoliciesProfessionals such as doctors, lawyers, and chartered accountants, among others are subjected to various professional risks in terms of professional negligence and errors or omissions in the course of discharging their professional duties. In such instances, errors and omissions (E&O) insurance or professional indemnity cover is necessary. With medical negligence cases on the rise, doctors are... ❯❯❯

Senior Care: The Difference Between Home Care And Assisted Living

Senior Care: The Difference Between Home Care And Assisted LivingSenior care is not an easy task, especially if it is done alone. A person can only take so much responsibility. He or she also needs to take a break every now and then. Unfortunately, the constant worry over elderly loved ones makes momentary respites and rests impossible. A reputable home care company and assisted living facility are two options family members should consider when caring for the... ❯❯❯

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