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Elder Care Guide (Page 30)

5 Tips for Preventing Slips and Falls in the Elderly

Slipping and falling is the number one cause of death and injury among the elderly. Yes, it is that serious. Even if there are no major risks around the home, the muscles and bones can simply give out and cause a fall. And because your body is already vulnerable, these falls can result in serious injury. One of the most common places that slips and falls occur is in the bath – one of the worst... ❯❯❯

5 Basic Denture Care Tips for Seniors

You can look at the bright side of dentures – you don’t need to worry about cavities, you don’t need to worry about expensive dental procedures and you don’t need to worry about crooked or discolored teeth ever again. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t have to take very special care of your dentures. Denture care is important for a number of reasons – to keep the dentures looking great,... ❯❯❯

5 Common Senior Dental Care Issues

Nobody is really surprised when, as they get older, their health begins to deteriorate. Some of us take great pains to preserve our bodies with proper diet, exercise, supplements, and so on, while others spend their lives loafing around and eating what they please. Still others work themselves to death (so to speak) at demanding and stressful jobs. But the relentless march of time gets to us all,... ❯❯❯

The Independent Life – Tips for Elderly Folks Living on Their Own

You will be the first to admit that you are getting on in your years, but you’re certainly not ready to go live in a home for the elderly. You may be old, but you are still capable of caring for yourself and living independently. You hate the idea of having someone look after you, so it’s the independent life for you. Many seniors live with their partners or on their own until very late in life,... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Getting Your Aging Parent to Stop Driving

Every single day, an average of about 500 elderly adults are injured in auto collisions. With over thirty million elderly drivers, that is a lot of injuries and potentials for injury. Not only that, but death is a real threat too. Oftentimes, older drivers don’t have the all the same capacities that they used to have, which frequently puts them into precarious situations. These accidents are not... ❯❯❯

5 Easy and Effective Fitness Tips for Seniors

As a senior, it may get more difficult to stay in shape as you grow older. Instead of forgoing exercise altogether and increasing health issues, be practice and take control of your fitness and health. Here are 5 easy and effective fitness tips for seniors to help you stay fit and in shape in order to improve overall health and quality of life! Talk to your doctor about which exercises are... ❯❯❯

5 Tips for Getting Your Aging Parent to Stop Driving

Every single day, an average of about 500 elderly adults are injured in auto collisions. With over thirty million elderly drivers, that is a lot of injuries and potentials for injury. Not only that, but death is a real threat too. Oftentimes, older drivers don’t have the all the same capacities that they used to have, which frequently puts them into precarious situations. These accidents are not... ❯❯❯

5 Easy and Effective Fitness Tips for Seniors

As a senior, it may get more difficult to stay in shape as you grow older. Instead of forgoing exercise altogether and increasing health issues, be practice and take control of your fitness and health. Here are 5 easy and effective fitness tips for seniors to help you stay fit and in shape in order to improve overall health and quality of life! Talk to your doctor about which exercises are... ❯❯❯

Tips to Forming Friendships with Grandchildren

We undoubtedly love our grandchildren and, because we’re a part of the same family, they most likely feel the same about us. However, just because you share the same lineage as these young individuals doesn’t necessarily mean that you actually have much in common with them. It’s hard for them to imagine a world in which communication isn’t initiated through texts and Instagram and, most likely,... ❯❯❯

How to Best Care for a Senior After Hip Replacement Surgery

As we age, our bodies naturally become more fragile. So much in fact that it’s not uncommon to hear our doctors say that we need to undergo a surgical procedure like hip replacement surgery. So, what are the signs that it’s time to have that kind of surgery done? Some of them include joint stiffness, immobility, extensive bone damage or simply if your body is not responding to different forms of... ❯❯❯

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