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Elder Care Guide (Page 37)

What Is Nursing Home Abuse?

Placing our elderly loved ones in a nursing home facility is a painful and tough decision, so seeing them suffer at the hands of people they should be trusting to take care of them is very heartbreaking. Not only can nursing home abuse demoralize the elderly, but it can also cause unnecessary pain and suffering. To prevent this, you need to understand what nursing home abuse is and its signs.... ❯❯❯

Maintain your mental health out in the open air

Growing older presents a number of different challenges: chronic pain, stress, illness, and major life changing events such as retirement and the loss of loved ones. Anxiety or apprehension about life-stage transitions can cause depression and result in additional negative factors such as a feeling of helplessness and even physical ailments. Recognizing both the causes and effects is an... ❯❯❯

The Best and Safest Exercises for Elderly People

Many people around the world always search for the best and safe ways to make their aging parents healthy and strong. It is obviously very tiring to image a caregiver’s role. It is bad to realize that the man who lifted you high in the air for fun is now the same who is struggling to just climb the first staircase and the woman who spent hours in the kitchen to cook all your favourite foods is... ❯❯❯

Senior Dental Care Means Overall Good Health

Senior dental care is a small part of the important process of aging. There are many great benefits to aging. With more years comes valuable experience, the joy of watching families expand and develop, and the delight of seeing children married and spoiling precious grandchildren. However, one thing that many seniors will say they don’t love about aging is that their bodies are not quite what... ❯❯❯

Common Signs of Elderly Abuse and Mistreatment

Abuse of the elderly is a very serious issue, and one that is very hard to recognize. Countless crimes against the elderly are committed and never known either because the abused have some form of mental illness such as Dementia, or are afraid to come forth in fear of retaliation of some nature by the perpetrator. In order to help recognize when elder abuse and neglect is occurring, it helps to... ❯❯❯

A Mother's Day Tribute: The Gift of Time

Every language has a word for mother. The Danish say “Mor”, the English say, “Mum” or “Mummy”, the Hawaiians say “Makuahine”, and the Norwegians say ”Madre”. However, as Edwin Hubber Chapin said, “No language can express the power, and the beauty, and heroism, and majesty of a mother’s love…” Some of us are luckier than others to still have our mothers with us. Some mothers are in their prime of... ❯❯❯

Top 5 Qualities to Identify in a Good Care Home

Choosing a care home for your loved one can be a decision fraught with emotion and uncertainty. Regardless of whether your budget allows for an exclusive facility with private rooms or a more modest option, the following five qualities should be present in every good care home. 1. Cleanliness is Key Let your nose be your guide. Upon first entering the care home facility, what do you smell?... ❯❯❯

Praying For Relief: Religion in Senior Care

There are differences among generations about religion. And when it comes to senior housing, adult children would do well to keep in mind that their parents may have regularly attended services. Take, for example, the Sisters of Mercy in Evergreen Park, Illinois. They recently got approval from the village board to construct a 110-room facility for those who belonged to religious orders, such as... ❯❯❯

Medicare Cuts for Senior Living: What It Means For Your Loved Ones

Each year, senior living facilities that rely on Medicare and Medicaid have breathed a sigh of relief. A couple decades ago there was supposed to be a cut on reimbursements for physicians. And each year, Congressed allowed it to build up. The 'Doc Fix' and the Larger Problem But that's no longer the case for the so-called "doc fix" which has now increased to 27 percent of the total reimbursement... ❯❯❯

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