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7 treatment options to get rid of canker sores

Are you suffering from canker sores for a week? Do you want help to cure canker sores? So, come and read this article to know about some good treatment options. 

Canker sores are quite common among individuals. This usually occurs in the mouth or the gums. Well, most people confuse about canker and cold sores. Cold sores occur on lips where canker sores occur in the mouth or base of the gums. Both the self-treatable, but sometimes it needs doctor advice too or reading at a website like Uncover The Cure!

What are canker sores?

Canker sores usually appear white in color, small, and shallow in the mouth or base of the gums. It often disturbs eating and talking. These are of two types as follows:

  • Simple canker sores- these are small and shallow ulcers that usually occur 3-4 times in a year. These are self-treatable.
  • Compound canker sores- these are uncommon and occur usually 2 times a week. It requires doctor advice too.

What are the causes of canker sores?

The common causes of canker sores are unidentified. Stress and damage are tissue is often considered as a cause of canker sores. The use of acidic food and beverages like apple, pineapple, figs, tomatoes, etc. cause canker sores. The deficiency of folic acid, vitamins A, B12 and more can cause sores as well.

7 treatment methods to get rid of canker sores 

Canker sores usually cause pain and trouble during speaking and eating. Most of the sores are self-treatable in 2-3 days, but some require some home remedies to get rid of it quickly. Here, I have listed 7 of the best remedies that can help you. 

  1. Rinse mouth with saltwater

Rinsing the mouth with salt water is highly effective and often recommended by dental experts. The blend of water and salt can relax the pain and heal the sore faster. This method can treat both simple and chronic sores without side effects. When you rinse the mouth with this saltwater it dries out canker sores and heals it immediately.

How to use:

  • Warm-up ¼ cup of water
  • Add one teaspoon of salt in it.
  • Whirl the saltwater into the mouth for 15-20 seconds and then spit.
  • You need to repeat this remedy after an hour and an hour.
  1. Rinse mouth with baking soda

If you have baking soda in your home, you can use it to get faster relief from sores. Baking soda has great properties to reduce the PH level of the mouth that quickly reduces pain, inflammation, and infection. It can heal the sores faster and you will feel fresh.

How to use:

  • Take ¼ cup of normal water
  • Then add 1 teaspoon of baking soda in it.
  • Whirl the mixture in the mouth for 10-20 seconds and spit. 
  • You need to perform this remedy after an hour a day.
  1. Use Alum 

Alum or aluminum powder is one of the strongest remedies that has astringent properties to heal canker sores. With this, sores reduce in size and pain. It is also known as potassium Sulfate that often use in house to preserve pickle for a long time.

How to use:

  • Make alum paste with water- to do this take a pinch of alum powder and mix it with a dewdrop of water. 
  • Now, dab the paste on to sores.
  • Leave this paste for one minute.
  • Then wash your mouth with water properly.
  • Use this after an hour until sores are not gone.
  1. Honey 

Honey is one of the best ingredients loaded with multiple health benefits. Honey contains high antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can naturally heal the sores and lessen the pain. Even this can reduce the size of sore quickly and prevent the next canker sore formation.

How to use:

Dab the honey on sores four times a day. 

Make sure one thing, you are using the honey which is naturally processed and packed with high nutrients. 

  1. Yogurt

Sometimes canker sores cause due to bacterial infection. Therefore, yogurt is a healthy remedy to fights with bacteria and maintains a probiotic culture in the mouth. This has a healthy remedy that better bowel movement and helps to aid canker sores. 

How to use:

All you need to dab yogurt on the canker sore and leave this for 1 minute. Use this remedy until canker sores are not gone. 

  1. Hydrogen peroxide

It is one of the effective mixtures to remove plaque and yellowness from teeth. Even it has healing properties to remove canker sores and damage of tissues. 

How to use:

  • Take one cup of water and dilute 3% hydrogen peroxide mixture in it. Make sure there are no lumps in the water.
  • Now, dip a cotton ball in the solution and put this cotton into the canker sore area.
  • Leave it for few minutes and rinse off the mouth with water.
  1. Coconut oil

Coconut oil is rich with healthy healing properties that work superbly to heal canker sores. It also prevents sores to break out. This is one of the safest remedies for fights with infection and inflammatory responses.

How to use:

Apply coconut oil on the canker sores and leave it for few minutes. Use this remedy until the sores are not gone. 

Wrapping up

All the above-listed home treatments are good enough to heal sores. In case the results do not come out, you can consult with a doctor.

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