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Important Things To Understand About Teeth & Age

Photo by Ravi Patel on Unsplash

As we age, our teeth begin to show signs of the years of wear and tear. It’s become a misconception that with age, people are guaranteed to lose most of their teeth and will need to wear dentures. While dentures may be necessary for some, and others will lose some of their teeth, most of your natural teeth should stick with you through the years. But with age comes great dental responsibility.


Moisture in your mouth is important. Saliva helps you eat and sallow, it dilutes your bad breath, and without it, there is an increased risk of infection and gum diseases. Those who are experiencing dry mouth may discover that it is a result of their medication. While you should keep taking your medication, you should also be chewing a piece of sugarless gum or sucking on a piece of sugarless candy to keep your mouth wet. Tobacco, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages also dry out the mouth and can lead to other dental problems, so avoid these as well.


Gums are extremely important to our dental health. They keep our teeth tightly in place which helps prevent them from falling out. Since our gums lead such a major role in our mouths, we must take care of them. Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily are key components of a healthy routine. Periodontal disease is a common problem and is the primary leader in tooth loss. When plaque builds up, gums start to recede, teeth begin to wiggle, and deterioration in the jawbone is activated. Periodontal disease is not a result of age, it’s a result of not brushing and flossing your teeth responsibly. 

Oral Hygiene

Besides the obvious brushing and flossing, oral hygiene includes taking extra care of dentures. Dentures need to be cleaned daily and should be removed at night or at least daily for four hours. Cleaning dentures helps reduce the number of bacteria that builds up in the mouth. Oral hygiene should also include a method of using fluoride. Fluoride helps the body generate the minerals that make up tooth enamel and protect our teeth. It can be found in some kinds of toothpaste, tap water, and in mouth rinses.


As we get older, the nerves in our teeth change. These changes can make our teeth more or less sensitive to cavities or other problems. If patients’ teeth become less sensitive, they might not notice problems that need attention and will fail to see a dentist for help. If teeth become more sensitive, it may hurt if you drink something too hot or cold. Dentists can help those with sensitivity problems by recognizing issues in your mouth that you may have missed, or by recommending an in-office treatment or toothpaste for tooth sensitivity.

Besides taking preventative measures to tooth decay and gum disease, regularly visiting a dentist can help you from losing your teeth as you age. Dentists, like those at, can help you identify gum disease, cancer in your mouth or throat, and can recommend ways to better take care of your dental health. Just because you are aging, doesn’t mean you need to lose all your teeth.

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