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Living With Plantar Fasciitis? How to Deal With the Constant Foot Pain

Many elderly people have trouble with their feet and one of the most common complaints is a condition known as Plantar Fasciitis. It makes sense of course that the older you get, your feet will be one of the main areas of the body where issues arise, having spent so much time on them in your life. With an issue like Plantar Fasciitis there aren’t many cures, but there are many ways in which to treat the constant pain so that you can live a more mobile and more comfortable life. If you are suffering from this, here is how you can help yourself in dealing with the constant pain.


Getting the wrong footwear can play havoc with your feet which is why you should find orthopedic shoes which are specifically designed for this issue. Plantar Fasciitis shoes are made with sturdy soles so that they can best support the arches in your feet, where the pain is prevalent. Whilst this is an issue which essentially exists in the heel, the inflamed tissue runs from the heel down to the toes which is why you’ll feel pain in the arches when walking. Using orthopedic shoes will greatly reduce the pain you feel and help you to move around far easier.

Daily Stretches

You will notice that your feet hurt most after they have been resting for a while, and it can take quite some time for you to walk around until the pain disappears. This happens because when you are sleeping or resting your feet, the tissue begins to harden and shorten, much like any other piece of tissue in the body. Daily stretching however can encourage the tissue to remain flexible thus giving you less pain, and helping increase your mobility. Exercises such as short lunges, gentle squats and rolling your ankle can really help to give you more flexibility and much less pain. For this to be effective you must ensure that you stretch at least twice per day.

PF Tape

Another support which you could look to use is Plantar Fasciitis tape which attaches to the base of your foot and provides you with extra support. This is like a long bandage with adhesive which you can apply daily, and it will help to support the external arch and minimize pain.


Aside from any anti-inflammatory medication you may be on, a great non-medicinal way to reduce the pain when it gets bad is to treat the foot with an ice pack. Much of the pain in the foot is caused by the swelling of the tissue and the cold temperature of the ice will ensure that the swelling is reduced and you can count on less pain and the ability to get going again.

Don’t suffer more than you have to with your feet, there are lots of ways in which you can get rid of the pain and ensure that you have as much mobility as possible.

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